Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Morning to you! ...and to myself.

It all started in 2008, when the news station I listened to most was using the phrase "You decide 2008" to cover their news of the presidential election. After hearing that phrase day after day, it finally hit me in a new light. I could decide what happened to me in 2008. It was a revelation.

The slogan from Coldstone Creamery, "Create your own Happiness" came back to me again and I cut out the letters and put it on my wall. I was reborn.

Now before you think I've gone atheist, Let me tell you. By myself, "I know that I am nothing" (Alma 26:12). That said, I was never meant to let others around me direct my future.


  1. My mom used to say that "Happiness is home made."

    It took me a long time to realize that life didn't have to happen to me--I could happen to life!

    So I appreciate your comments here.
